Tales of Mundane Magic
Grab your magical hats, open your third eyes, and ready your cosmic umbrellas.
Tales of Mundane Magic is a short story series that take place in a magical world much like our own. Sure, along with security systems one must have wards preventing hauntings, and one must be careful of fairies blocking one’s path, but there are smart phones and ride sharing and reality TV shows, so it’s not extremely different.
In Volumes One, Two, and Three, Gertie and Bridget, two sisters, go to Flories Boarding School to learn enchanting, play basketball and drink an abundance of tea. Their ghost dog Ziggy likes to hang around, and they do deal with the occasional sea monster, but besides that, their lives are pretty normal. Or at least, in their world.
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Tales of Mundane Magic: Volume One, Volume Two, and Volume Three are now books!
Tales of Mundane Magic is available on Amazon, IndieBound, MysteriousGalaxy, and wherever books are sold!