Signed Bookplates

Hello! Thank you for your interest in a signed Tales of Mundane Magic bookplate!

Artwork by anubis.005 and Igor Canova

Here’s how it will work – email me (shainakrevat (at) a screenshot of a recent donation you’ve made to your local chapter of Black Lives Matter, or a similar* organization or charity, and please do cover up any private personal information. In order to mail you a bookplate, I will also need a valid mailing address.

In your email, please specify what you’d like me to write! It can be a personalized note for you, a favorite quote, or maybe just my signature. I’ll personalize it however you’d like**, although I’ll have to keep it short, since the bookplate doesn’t have a lot of writing real estate.

Thank you again for your interest, I hope we’re able to make a difference together!


* What defines similar is at my discretion.

** Let’s please keep it appropriate

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